Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 3, 2007

Vina Stars Income Tax for 2005: k co tien!!!

Ce qu' il y a de marrant ici c'est l'amour palpable entre le fisc et le stars sytem vietnamien, la derniere fois, vu que les vedettes ne se bousculaient pas au portillon du ministère des impôts, on les avait menaces de denoncer a la presse ceux qui n'avaient pas soumit leur déclaration .

A voir l'article de VNN il semble que ca ne s'améliore pas, My Tam qui declare 308 patates, hrrrr... Comment vous expliquer: Bon imaginons que vous etes une vedette qui debutte, mais qui a un tube qui marche sans pour autant cartonner, et bien les boites de nuits, expo, spectacles... allongeront au minimum 20 millions pour que vous chantiez en playback 3, 4 chansons seulement. A partir de la imaginez si vous etes un gros calibre avec un gros cursus.

Singers don’t hit the high notes at tax time

VietNamNet Bridge - February 28 is the last day to lodge income taxes. Yet, only 20 singers have visited HCM City’s Tax Bureau.

Female superstar My Tam’s income is only 308 million dong, which is as much income as her male counterpart Dan Truong’s declared. In comparison, singer Phuong Thanh declared only 181 million dong.

Overall, singers declared surprisingly low incomes, no matter how popular they are. Some had such a low income that they are under the tax free threshold and therefore not required to pay tax. Singers Quang Dung, Dam Vinh Hung and Ngoc Son whom are expected to declare relatively high incomes, have not lodged as at the afternoon of February 27.

According to the Personal Income Office at HCM City Tax Bureau, many singing superstars earn billions of dongs annually. Yet, the Bureau hasn’t audited any singers whom have not declared income earned from performing overseas as yet.

According to Mr. Nguyen Thai Son, head of the Personal Income Office, singers are a relatively low risk in relative comparison to undeclared income of other occupations such as soccer players, lawyers, doctors and university professors. As the incomes of those professions are generally higher than singers, more revenue for the government is lost, if not all the income is declared.

No lawyers have filed for taxes this year as yet. The late lodgment penalties are low, at less than 100.000 dong for 10 days overdue.

(Source: Lao dong)
Oui je sais, il y a encore plus a dire sur les 2 derniers paragraphes ^o^, et ca m'entonnerai aussi que les artistes ayant faits des concerts a l'étranger aient recu un mandat Western Union a leur retour.

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